Our mobile selection of the week: we go to coal in reumine
The scientific error consists of a reasoning or a procedure that does not respect a set of rules recognized by the scientific community. Unlike scientific fraud, it is involuntary. It is found in all areas of sciences in multiple forms. Scientific errors must also be distinguished from ideas received at least all those that are not shared by part of the scientific community. According to Albert Einstein: The only way to avoid making mistakes is death. And Jean-François Bach to specify: A person who has never made an error has never tried to innovate. Echoing James Joyce s thinking for whom mistakes are doors of discovery. Similarly, according to Gaston Bachelard, the scientific spirit is constituted as a set of corrected errors,. Thomas Henry Huxley abounded in the same direction according to whom the scientific spirit has more value than his products; and truths defended irrationally may be more harmful than reasoned errors. But the essence of scientific thought is the exercise of critical thinking. And in the same vein, according to Goeffrey E. R. Lloyd: It was first necessary to the Greeks of antiquity having ideas, had inaccurate, to guide the observations. Then these observations themselves led to questioning certain presuppositions and to formulate new problems. Faced with the complexity of reality, several great figures of science have lost themselves: Kepler, Galilee, Descartes, Newton, Lavoisier, Darwin, Hilbert, Einstein, Fermi, Von Neumann and Hawking, to name only those, have All errors committed. They can be divided into two broad categories: those who consist of developing false designs and those who consist, on the contrary, to consider as false theories that realize reality. In the field of formal sciences (mathematics, logic, mathematical physics...) The errors committed often consist of considering a valid demonstration while errors are discovered after revision. Science errors can unfortunately have harmful consequences such as those that may occur in the medical field, whether there are deficient measures for the screening or treatment of diseases. They can also have catastrophic repercussions when a bad understanding of the physical parameters comes into play. Such errors can also occur as was the case in the nuclear industry. The repercussions of such disasters can then concern whole populations. These errors in science may also have equally worrying consequences for scientists when they relate to the realization of scientific instruments, even more so when the instrument in question is only realized because of its exemplary because of its Cost As was the case for the LHC and the Hubble telescope.
The reservation of the links between the various scientific concepts in their evolution makes delicate the definition of what is a scientific error. Various other cases present themselves such that false conceptions in the form of assumptions or partially true ideas formulated in the context of incomplete theories or any doubts expressed by scientific colleagues on results subsequently confirmed.
Any scientific disciplines that are the subject of a teaching, there are necessarily errors in this niche of activity, some of them sometimes see their extended life as a result of a retrograde teaching which voluntarily ignores the new scientific acquired. At times, they can also be transmitted through the media and, as science is also an integral part of the culture, we find it in literature, cinema, or even video games... without being free of errors. Errors that are sometimes pointed out by some scientists.
You start to know it, I have a naughty little penchant for the adventure games with a character who walks in mysterious places to engage a lot of mechanisms to the sole force of his friendote. And it s even better when they are craftsmanally shaped by a small independent team. This gets pretty well because reumina, the game this week, checks about all these small boxes, other than perhaps that of originality. But his gameplay ingenious sharply staged comes widely compensate for this very small feeling of already-vu.
Relumine takes us to the traces of Relu, a little girl who will dive into the bowels of an old abandoned mine (hence the name of the game, very inspired, is not it?) Who could To train it towards the discovery of vestiges of a forgotten civilization since time immemorial. She will discover a magic crystal that will allow us to change the perspective of the camera, a bit like in the famous Fez. The subtlety of reumines is that the rotation of each small table that we explore may result in certain platforms and thus create new passages for our puzzle heroin, which can then progress in search of valuable fragments of drawings that will reveal us little by little the history of these places imprints of mysteries.
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