The Signal State, puzzles

To be imitated is the ransom of success, some will say. Naturally, it was only a matter of time before someone is inspired by the philosophy of Zachtronics puzzle games (TIS-100, Shenzhen I / O, opus magnum or infinifactory) to interpret it With its sauce, for the greatest happiness of visual programming and logical functions. However, in The Status Signal, there is no security system to hack, or even 35-page manual to peel, since the game of the Singapore Rekoner Industries studio offers us to manipulate a modular synthesizer to change the world. Just that.

As is the case in a lot of puzzle-games genre, the world of game and its contextualization are limited to bribes of dialogue, with a character during the introduction which explains to us that it is to us that It is incumbent up to restart the machines of a farm in a post-apocalyptic future. Coup de chance, it turns out that these devices look like to misunderstand modular synthesizers (a synthesizer that is articulated all stupidly around modules, connected to each other by cables). The Signal State is thus organized as a sequence of about forty puzzles. They will gradually introduce new modules, explaining their purpose and functioning, to have a history of understanding what all these potentiometers and these Jack ports serve by dozens. For example, how to duplicate the audible signal of an oscillator, and add from Delay , a compressor or even manipulate an sampler .

The execution and the connection are done quite simple, thanks to simple drag and drop. It is finally a game that addresses people who have never manipulated logical or connected functions of synthesizer, to accompany them in their discovery. The others will always find their account, but will sail in known terrain. Paste to philosophy Zachtronics, it is also allowing players to solve an enigma in many ways, by assigning a score that will depend on the ingenuity of our connections and the loyalty of the audible signal retranscribed in the end.

The Signal State is already available on Steam (PC and Mac) for € 16.99, and the Singaporen Studio Rekoner Industries already promises a sandbox mode that should arrive in future updates.


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